How to Register for an Event using

Open and press Event registration button. See highlighted red below:

Then select State = Victoria, Club = SCAC and event (in this case 25 Mar 23 Club shoot). See highlighted red below:


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Then select Add Archer (This screen displays the flights (Rounds) in that event, and the archers already registered for them). See highlighted red below:


Then enter your name or AA number, then select your name when it appears and press the select button. See highlighted red below:

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Select the flight you wish to register for (Under 16 = Merit 20m, over 16 = Merit 30m).  Everything (Division, round, handicap) is auto-filled in, However if you wish to use a different bow type change the division selection. Then press save. See highlighted red below:

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You are now registered into the event.  
The screen will now display the flights within the event again with your name added.   You can register another archer, or you can finish by pressing the Home button at the top of the screen to return to the Home screen. See highlighted red below:


Graphical user interface, text, application

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